Monday, November 06, 2023

Only beer drinker at meal with mate

Oh dear...I have some memory of playing the guitar last night. In a way I wish I had no memory, or at least something clearer. Lots of beer was consumed. But this morning I continued my claim to defeating jetlag as I got up at a reasonable 8am again, though tried in vain to sleep a bit more as the festivities of last night should have made me do. But hey ho it didn't happen and at 11am A Wu pinged me to go and eat. Well why not? It was the same duck place as the summer and despite being 10 degrees cooler it was still a hot prospect. I turned up. We ate. Then he said he was going to Nanning this afternoon again for a few days for business matters. And that was it. I wanted to pay but the woman with the cash register just said something like she'd seen me at the football and to prove it showed me a douyin video of myself. I think literally everyone who knows me - and many who don't - know more of what I got up to last night than I do.

Later, at 4.30pm I remembered to go to the police place to do passport but Xiao Mong, the lady who does the registering, wasn't there but they took my passport anyway and said they'd call me tomorrow, so at least I'd done my bit.

Then soon after 6pm I went to see a bloke I'd not met in the summer but said I would. I have little to no recollection how I'd met him but had apologised and said I'd meet him this time. He sent a picture of a hotel not far from our place and when I got to the hotel the woman there said it was somewhere nearby. So more phone calls ensued and in typical Pingguo style we met up across the road and went to buy some beers as everyone else was drinking white alcohol.

The bloke on the left invited me - I need to find out his name

It was quite a typical evening and quite enjoyable although I could barely keep up with their drinking. At least there was a woman and a child there so it could have been worse.

And then another friend IM'd to say to meet in Jiang Bing Lu, so I used that as an excuse to leave the meal around 9.30pm and got to some salon where they were drinking some kind of berry alcohol. It was actually quite nice. Too nice in fact as when they had to shut up shop at 10.50pm I realised it would be safer to leave the dian dong che parked up and get back under my own steam.

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