Wednesday, August 16, 2017

10 iphones

In the morning I went out with A Wu for some reason I’ll probably never understand. I noticed he had a bag of about 10 large iphones in the front of the car and asked him why, but got an equally unsatisfactory explanation. Life’s just like that sometimes and I turned off my more inquisitive side. We stopped at a residential area and he told me to wait as went to do something. That was fine by me. There was a local shop by the entrance so I walked inside, bought a bottle of water, and started chatting with the boss-woman. In the end it took a good 20 minutes for A Wu to get back, and then we were to go to ping pong. But I was incredibly tired so we agreed to sort it out later and I went home instead to work.
Spot Leilei


Getting older
Later we did indeed manage some ping pong before going to another meal at his boss-office place where they poured red wine from a ladle filled from a large bowl. Again, I didn’t ask, I just politely declined it. But Bak Sec Zhai was there, the fourth or fifth most important person in Pingguo, so I did have some beer instead. Then, for good measure we ended up in a KTV and I realised my work day was over slightly earlier than anticipated.

Meal with Bak Sec Zhai

I politely declined...

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