Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Shop opening and driving in Pingguo

Took Leilei to school on my own this time. I forgot to mention Tan's sister has lent us her car while we're in Pingguo. I did ask whether she would miss it in Nanning but apparently she hasn't learnt to drive yet - she wants to learn with Tan next month.... She does have a driver, however, but as she has so many friends she won't miss the car.

Well that's ok by me, although we rarely justify using the car as we could always walk or take a 15p taxi. I suppose it makes a 4 minute 3-wheel taxi ride into a 2 minute car drive. I'm not sure how legal it all is though. Tax, insurance, seat belts, obeying red lights etc all seem to be the stuff of the distant future here.

As I was driving Leilei to school I got a phone call from Xiao Li telling me to hurry up and come to his friend's shop that was opening at that moment. So I left a crying son again to meet him at the site of the new shoe shop where we had to look around as if we were interested in buying some of the leather shoes of dubious 80's styling while being filmed by what I hoped was a mate and not someone from the local media.

Septwolves shop (yes is it a brand with seven wolves)

I ended up buying two pairs of boxer shorts (large size) that were too small and made Primark look like a top quality brand. Afterwards I had to go to a meal where beer was being served. I really didn't want to, as I was working later, but didn't have much choice and sneaked away a few before realising the benefits of a cheeky siesta.

I took Leilei to Xiao Li's house for supper tonight with the intention of leaving the car there and getting a cab home as I knew I'd be offered beers. I mentioned I was thinking of buying an electric bike to take back to the UK but apparently they will be too expensive to send and may not pass quality control. Pity that, but anyway I'll be able to use his wife's.

After a good meal where Leilei actually ate some yu mi zhou (sweetcorn soup), we went back - Xiao Li saying it was fine to drive after a few drinks. Well I'd only had a couple of weak beers and actually it was a lot easier to drive that way; no-one waits to turn left - you just move that way and people move out of your way. It takes some getting used to but now I'm quite happy driving here sober.

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