Monday, August 27, 2018


Well it was bloody work all afternoon, but I got to take the kids out to eat at the Yumi Tang place in the evening, although for some reason it was really busy. We did some shopping at the shenme dou you shops and I got a cap with 没洗头 (not washed hair) written on it as it was the only one I could find in Chinese. Back home at work I worked out that my fingernails were too long on the right and had calluses on the left. This made it rather difficult to type, resulting in 30% slower words per minute including fixing mistakes, by my calculations. Would I cut my nails and dip my left hand in baby oil? No way...guitar is more important when no piano around.


I went to the market supermarket to get some drinks and noticed it was the supermarket’s 11st anniversary. I thought that might mean something but apparently not. Lunch was jiao zi and bao zi with the kids. They wanted to buy stuff so we went around on the bike but didn’t find much until Xixi spotted a huge spider behind some advertising over a shop. She seems to have an eye for detail. But so do I as I noticed a flask in a shop adorned with “Your title here” ok it’s not really that interesting but it did remind me of the Polish road sign in Wales where it was the content of an out-of-office email which was much funnier.

Horrid arachnid shape just above the "o"

Your Title Here
Finally finished work at 10.45 to go to the waterman’s friend’s shop opening, where they’d been badgering me to come for ages. They were already pissed and welcomed me like a long lost friend. Apparently the girls were all friends of Chuan Chuan so I should be ok. Almost stereotypically, the girls doing the bbq were rather chubby, but less so the girls eating it were smoking and cai mai’ing, and I had to join in the latter.


Cat head in the toilet

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