Sunday, July 22, 2018

First proper day in Pingguo in 2018

Jeez I just couldn’t sleep. Maybe it was the hard bed, but I didn’t even manage a couple of hours. At least I’m not working and I’m somewhere where there is plenty of stuff to do. I got out of bed at 7am to get some breakfast, so went across the road to Luwen’s place for beef soup. It was a filling and fitting breakfast, after which I decided to sit outside and he came to join me to chat. I told him about the lack of sleep and he seriously suggested a beer. I laughed it off but he went inside and came back with two cans of Snowflake beer. I know he gets up at 4am generally but it must have been the morning even for him. I thought “when in Rome…” knowing that probably no-one in Rome or Pingguo was having a beer at 7.30am, but joined him for a surprisingly refreshing glass or two. In fact he wouldn’t let me leave till we’d finished both cans, but at 2.5% I wasn’t worried.

This view literally grows on me (while waiting for the lift) 
Luwen and I literally having a beer at 7.30am

I then popped in to the old people’s leisure centre to get a bit of practice, where I caught up with my friend Yangwen, and ended up staying till 10am by which time I was well and truly knackered. But after a shower I went and got the kids some breakfast. I wasn’t hungry for lunch and managed a patchy siesta from 1-5.30pm before going to see Waipo. For someone in her condition she seemed quite sprightly, even if she couldn’t get up by herself.

Waipo weak but with it and so happy to see grandkids
Afterwards Leilei went to get a haircut - I wonder where he gets his looks from

Yang Haiwei then invited me to go to bbq for a late evening meal and I couldn’t say no, as by now I was starving, so I left the kids with Tan and went for a slap up meal. Then A Wu called and I thought I should see him so Haiwei gave me a lift there around midnight. He was at some wine shop in the reception of a large new hotel with three other people all drinking brandy, except for A Wu who was on red wine. I fancied neither but they said there was nothing else. Then one of them grabbed some weak beer from the fridge and we chatted for a while. But only half an hour or so as I was flagging by now and they could see it, so A Wu gave me a lift back where I grabbed a relatively early night.

The new version of Li Quan beer this year - I'm happy to say it's really nice, and 2.8%

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