Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Wet walk and photos for watermelon place

I got up at lunchtime and went to get Tan's sour soup noodles and some baozi for the kids. They didn't have the normal ones so I got a couple of portions of small ones and had a couple when I got back as I realised I too was hungry. The next thing I knew everything was gone. At least nothing went to waste.

I wasn't in the mood enough to go to the gym, so instead compromised by going on a walk. I first spent some time finding old pictures of the kids in the watermelon place and putting them on a micro-SD card in order to print out. And indeed I found my normal print-out place and not only did he print them out but he also embossed them if that's the right term. Maybe laminated. And I got him to do one almost A4 size. So six laminated photos for 20 kuai later I was walking towards the watermelon place and found it 15 minutes later. The girls' mum was there are loved the photos from 2011. Unfortunately her daughter wasn't there as she was working, but she sent a photo of the photos to her anyway and wouldn't let me pay for my watermelon juice.

Trying to work out what had changed from 13 years ago

I headed north and did a round of the basketball and football stadiums before heading on to Deng Xiaoping Hill where I had my juice. Just to be able to have the time and ability to go for a walk in the afternoon in my favourite place in the world I certainly didn't take for granted. I recognise I'm quite privileged and lucky to be here, even if I'm just walking around. Slightly annoyingly I only remembered to record the walk in Strava as I passed the bins 50 yards away from our door, and by the time I got back 1h31 later it had recorded 6.99km. Bugger. And it pissed down for the last 15 minutes of my journey just to rub it in.

Slightly low stairs at the football stadium

Anti-drugs stuff

Finally drank my lovely watermelon juice at Deng Xiaoping hill

I realised that three tiny baozi at midday washed down with a Li Quan wasn't enough sustenance for a grown man who'd just walked 7km, but there wasn't much in to eat so I sadly had a few crisps. That kept me going for another hour or so but I ended up going to see racist Huang and ended up helping him and his wife and a couple of mates finish off their meal.

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