Monday, July 08, 2024

家里有事 - 回家

It hasn't rained for a while and the heat's become oppressive enough to affect my appetite so I forced myself to down a brown boiled egg and a yoghurt for lunch, if only to provide a means of improving the efficiency of my supplements.

In the afternoon Tan asked me to pick up her delivery but the place was closed although a sign had been put up with some handwriting scrawled on it, but I somehow managed to decipher it and sent it to Tan as if to prove something. Well I was happy at least, even if she wasn't that she didn't have her delivery.

家里有事 - 回家

Well it's only a Monday so I shouldn't expect to be invited out so I ate half of one of the the two beef patties Tan had ordered for lunch but neither of the kids had touched. I probably should have had a whole one but you never know if you'll get a last minute invitation. Well, almost inevitably it did happen closer to 11pm when I got a message from Zhang Hongping asking "Do you want to come out for a midnight snack?". So I said "sure" and a few minutes later found myself near Zhang Hua's place, and in fact one of his mates from the other night saw me and asked where I was looking for, but luckily Zhang Hongping (or Wu ge as he likes to be known) turned up and showed me into a tiny wine shop where there were a few blokes around a table.

Of course there was food, and more was delivered and the delivery bloke stayed for a couple of glasses of baijiu, whereas I stuck to the beer Zhang Hongping had thoughtfully brought along. Presently two "beautiful" ladies turned up. "Beautiful" in Hongping's parlance if not mine, but at least it balanced out the evening a little. Finally at 3ish am I left and took Hongping back to his place which is luckily near ours, and when home made the effort to get the reading light so I could light up the QR code to charge up the bike.

"Beauties" in Zhang Hongping's words

Managing to charge up the dian dong che at 3.40am

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