Thursday, July 25, 2024

Gym, last of V, evening with Haiwei and son

Managed a little bit of yesterday's bbq and a yoghurt just to have some energy to go to the gym with Tan before 1pm. I hoped it would be empty due to people eating but it was busy with mostly young men. I wonder to what extent they are trying to improve their looks in order to attract the reduced supply of women here. I saw only two women in the hour or so I spent doing my leg exercises and 25 minutes of elliptical that apparently was worth 7.5km, though I doubt it.

I don't trust 7.5km in 25 minutes but I had raised the difficulty so maybe that affected the distance

I didn't want to waste yesterday's duck, so although the breast had gone I heated up and ate what I could of the rest for tea, before Haiwei pinged me to ask if I had time later. As nothing is planned here I answered in the affirmative, and he said to meet at 9.30pm in 100 minutes, and he'd ping me a dingwei at the time. 

So I paid a visit to the supermarket by the guangchang to pick up the last of the V in case it would be of use for tomorrow's journey to Baise. As it was 1.15pm it probably wouldn't be but you never know. Of course at 8.45pm, just as I was leaving the supermarket, I got a dingwei followed by a phone call from Haiwei to say he'd already arrived and to come over now. Well I couldn't pretend I was busy so I got home, poured a quick one, and popped over.

Possibly the last unflavoured vodka in Pingguo

I had miss-read the dingwei and thought it was by the Calorie KTV bar, and as I pulled up Nong also pulled up next to me. Consequentially she was there to pick up her son from drum lessons, and I rechecked my dingwei to find I was still a few hundred yards away. So I told her to go on and to meet up later if we had time.

Haiwei was at some friend's shop of some sort, and a handful of people were sat around a table eating and drinking and talking as to be expected. Like most of the others I was on the beer, and a bloke I recognised's girlfriend kept making me ganbei, but she was big enough to manage it. Then followed some forced conversation with Haiwei's second son for a while, but I did manage to talk about Leilei's music and got him to send over a portion that wasn't rap. I sent it to second son and when I asked what he thought he typed something into his phone and came back with "elegant", not a word I would have used.

Caima then ensued and I did annoyingly well, till around midnight when I said I needed to go. It was true though as I need to be up in the morning tomorrow and there may be a queue for the shower. But Leilei needed me to sort out his university accommodation so there was that to do first before another relatively early night.

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