Wednesday, July 10, 2024

A Hoc meal with Huang Lei and Long'an mates

I somehow got up at 9.30am to see off Tan and kids to Nanning for two days, then got back to sleep till 12pm. Huang Lei called to eat later today and I nearly used that as an excuse not to go to the gym but it was only 4pm, so forced myself after heating up food from yesterday. At least I managed 35 mins of weights and 27 minutes of elliptical but it's probably not enough to make up for excessive intake recently. It was also annoyingly busy, and I was by far the oldest person there, not to mention one of the few who turned up on their own.

I grabbed a shower and a couple of beers before getting to A Hoc's fashionably late at 6.15pm, only to wait another 20 minutes for some mates from Long'an to turn up. But it was a cracking meal as A Hoc is a cook by trade. Tan pinged me to ask me to pick up a couple of deliveries and I was about to use that as an excuse for a break from the meal but a bloke came to deliver a gas bottle and was soaking wet. I saw it was pouring outside so I wouldn't be heading back in a hurry. Anyway they weren't due back till Friday so there was no rush.

Cracking meal with mates from Long'an

We eventually left around 10pm when it was time for the designated driver to do his job. At least they are really strict about that sort of thing here (if not in the towns themselves but between them). But I was barely back home when Zhang Hongping pinged me to say he was in the same place as the other night and once again I thought "why not?". It wasn't the most interesting of evenings but it whiled away enough time till the 3am Holland v England game which I decided to watch at home I think. It was a win, but not a convincing one, and I'm convinced we'll lose to Spain on Sunday night.

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