Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sleepless in Pingguo but reasonable sport

Well my Zepp app told me I'd slept between 4-9am but I definitely remember being awake after 4am. I heard Tan and the kids leaving for the train station and tried to get up but couldn't. But I couldn't sleep either and was feeling not great after last night.

So when lunchtime came around I forced another tiny pao mian down, thinking it may help sleep arrive. I even added two quail eggs but to no effect. I had some V left over from yesterday and even considered having some of that with the leftover lemonade. Well I considered it for an hour before actually pouring it and it tasted crap but I really needed some sleep before meeting Haiwei later. I thought if I didn't have it by 2pm it would probably be too late, but it was 1.55pm so somehow justifiable. I only had a couple, and it still didn't make me feel sleepy.

So I grabbed a shower then remembered to ping Haiwei to say I could make it over, but he responded to say that a work matter had turned up and we wouldn't be meeting up. Ok, so much for organising stuff more than a day in advance...this is probably why they don't. Stuff, "matters", just turn up and change things. Well I was awake after the shower so did some exercise inside which tired me enough to grab about an hour of dozing from about 4pm, not that I needed to get up, but my body wouldn't let me sleep more.

But I still felt pretty crap. I managed to go to Guanmart to get some provisions after watching some of the test match v West Indies, but I had no plans to go out and fancied watching the Hungarian GP. Slightly annoyingly as I was riding back the heavens opened and although I was only under it for a minute I was pretty soaked when I got back. It also meant the towels I had just washed would take an age to dry. Ha, first world problems. I forced a beer down but it wasn't really working, and I maybe managed two or three during the whole race, which was actually very absorbing again, if not quite so exciting as the British GP.

First world problems

I somehow dozed off as the cricket became exciting and it looked like we had a small chance of winning tonight, then annoyingly woke up some time after 1am to see we had won but I'd missed it. Of course now I had the prospect of a sleepless night so I took a couple of Tan's Chinese sleeping pills and before half an hour was out like a light.

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