Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Unexpected meal with A Hoc and friends

I thought I was up at 10am but suddenly it was 11.30 after I closed my eyes for a bit. So at midday I went out and got two portions of jiaozi and the same baozi for the kids as yesterday. Of course the kids already had crappy snacks so didn't touch the jiaozi, but at 6 kuai I was hardly moaning.

In the afternoon it took me a great effort but I managed to get through a session of dumbbells for the arms until 4pm, when I succumbed to a cold beer, but again it was a very justifiable one. At 6.30pm I noticed there was still a portion of jiaozi so I didn't waste it and had an identical tea to my lunch, except this time I was actually really hungry.

Then, after a shower, I noticed that A Hoc had tried to call me and had left a dingwei where he was eating with some mates. It was only a few doors away so I said I'd come over. If only he'd let me know an hour ago I wouldn't have had the jiaozi.... Anyway he's a good mate so I walked over just as the heavens started to open and just made it before getting soaked. Slightly annoyingly there were only three blokes there, but hey, there was beer. Of course a bit later other people turned up. One I should have remembered was a woman who sang to me outside A Hoc's place in 2018. Well I didn't remember her puffy red face, but I remembered the singing. And this was clearly not her first port of call this evening.

Crunch crabs you eat whole

A Hoc and the boss and the rest of the food...wish I was hungrier

A bit of a traditional drinking song

And so, after pouring some suan guo alcohol for everyone including me, after a peng bei she broke out into song again. It was another of those times where your smile starts to hurt your face a little, but not as embarrassing as the previous time as we were in a private room in the second floor rather than outside. Huang Lei also turned up, pretty pissed, and a couple of other women, so after all it was a pretty fun evening. I left at a decent 12am so as not to get trouble from the trouble, but didn't get to sleep till 3am due to following the Olympics.

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