Monday, July 01, 2024

Pain, piano, and double bbq

Managed to get up soon after 10am and Tan was getting ready for the gym. I would like to have gone, and may not have regretted it but knew I needed a bit more kip so after a pint of water with a vitamin tablet I slept for another two hours. This time when I got up I had a significant pain in my right shoulder and could think why. The pain got worse so I thought I'd take a Naproxin, but for that you need to have some food. I once took some without food and not only felt physically sick but also mentally awful. I was all I could do to cancel my dentist appointment before going on a walk to try to forget about the pain. So this time I went and got my default jiaozi, got back and had my daily yoghurt with a gram of crushed resveretrol, two teaspoons of psyllium husk, and the rest of my daily supplements. It doesn't make up for lack of gym though, although with the pain getting worse I definitely wouldn't have gone. Ah, I've just realised it could have been my overexuberance bringing in the tables and chairs last night from our neighouring bbq place; that's about the only place I've expended energy recently from the top half of my body.

The pain was still getting worse until about an hour after taking the Naproxin, when I managed to doze on and off for another couple of hours. And then when I got up finally around 4.30pm it had totally gone. I wasn't going to push it by going to the gym, so did the next best thing and went for piano practice instead. After that I went to the clothes shop to look for XL and L size kits for T and E, but they only had every other size from S to XXXXL, so the bloke told me they should be in next week. Then I got a message from his wife a few minutes later asking what sizes I wanted, and that I should have them by tomorrow.

"Because there is no industrial addition to craft beer, you can drink too much of it without feeling bad the next day."

It may not be tuned too well but it's my go-to piano here.

Tan pinged me to say that Xixi's all-day hair appointment to make it greyish would finish soon and that we would go to Tianyang Po's for bbq. So I first dropped of my black canvas shoes to be cleaned, before sauntering over there in some of the most clingy heat I've experienced here, but before I got there I was called over to a table by a couple of blokes and a woman. Apparently we had eaten or drunk with them last summer and one of them proved it by showing a video of Leilei, Nezha, and I around a table with them. Then the owner of the place came out and we shared a couple of beers until Leilei walked past, pointing behind me to where Tan and Xixi were already sitting down. So I politely ganbei'd them and went over to have some of the best bbq in town before heading back home. I barely had time to crack open a cold one when Chen pinged me at 10.45pm for the first time in a year to tell me to go over to a bbq place on Jiang Bing Lu. I said I should be able to and he told me to "hurry up" as you do.

Friend bunch of people near Tianyang Po's bbq place tongues and sweetcorn bbq

Leilei had taken our dian dong che, but luckily Jiuma's was there, and charged up. I'd have had to walk the 20 minutes otherwise as I can't order didi ches on Weixin (as  apparently it requires face ID, yet my financial stuff on the phone is all in Li Kun's name. And although I've tried a couple of times I haven't been able to hire a blue electric bike either. I've got to sort one or both of these things out. So 5 minutes later I was parked outside and called Chen only to be answered with shouts from the other side of the road. There were a good six of them and of course I had to ganbei with each of them multiple times. I was quite glad I'd only had the one or two earlier.

But it was a fun night, with a lot of caima, and we got the pretty worker from the neighbouring bbq place to sit with us for a bit and I played caima with her too, to squeals of delight. The France - Belgium game had started but no-one was really watching it. Then, around halftime the wind started picking up and within seconds the bbq place people were bringing in the tables and chairs. The poor women from next door which whom I had just been caimaiing had no customers and was bringing in all the tables and chairs by herself so of course I jumped over to help bring it all in. No other bloke did though. Then, on cue, the heavens opened but by now we were inside and dry. Now we did focus a bit more on the footy and I was almost glad France scored a late goal as it meant we wouldn't have to watch at least another half an hour as it was getting on for 2am.

Yudao hao men bbq place in Jiang Bing Lu

It was the rain that wouldn't let me leave so soon though, so we ended up drinking till 2.30am anyway before it died down a little, when I said I'd better be off and the boss gave me an umbrella to keep most of the rain off. Chen did check that I'd got back ok. I tried to watch Portugal - Slovenia but if I did I don't remember any of it.

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