Sunday, June 30, 2024

Xiao Tang Zong with the kids then footy to see Engerland go through...just

Up for lunch of takeaway again. I asked Tan what time we were leaving for Bangxu tomorrow morning and she said that we weren't going now as there was no car and her body was aching. This is so typical I don't get annoyed any more. But blimey I could have cancelled plans because of this funeral we were to attend over the next two days. And now, just like that we aren't going. It's not as though we couldn't arrange a taxi or something for the 45 minute drive...I don't know...I guess it's something more than that, but it's going to remain a guess as it's really not worth the effort of asking to find out the real reason. Live and learn. Or not learn as Mat would say.

At least for tea we managed to get all of us out of the house and we took the two dian dong ches to what looked like a western style fast food place but thankfully was very much Chinese food. Tan had complained about Xixi taking such a long time and said the restaurants would be closed but it was 7.30pm when we got there and were lucky to find a table. It was good food and a bit refreshing not to have to drink beer with it. But beer would be on the menu later as it was the England - Slovakia match. Surely we'd pick up a bit now?

Phones at Xiao Tang Zong

I waited till 15 minutes before the midnight kick-off before going to Wuming bar to find it was nearly completely empty. Just one table with people who invited me over and explained that people were working tomorrow. I guess so. We're normally here a bit later in the year when I suppose more people are free. So I watched the first 15 minutes of the match but didn't want to keep these people from their beds so decided to go back to the place outside our house.

That was much more lively than Wuming, and the first table motioned for me to come over. They seemed more interested in talking and drinking with me than actually watching the footy, so I didn't get to watch much of what I understand was a rather missable first half. The guys all left at half time so I moved on to another table to continue, and it was much the same until the last few minutes when I actually got to watch some of the match and see Bellingham's amazing bicycle kick. So it was extra time, but halfway through that my table left to go home so I watched us squeeze through to the last 8 not looking like a top 8 team at all. A carload of people came to eat before the end of extra time but I managed to stop myself trying to go over to them, and instead wished them to eat slowly as you do, and got home in time to start watching Spain v Georgia which was by accounts a much better game but I didn't stay awake beyond 1-1.

Watching us win unlike

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