Sunday, July 14, 2024

Another meal with Haiwei and more drinks at Boss Zhou's

After another home lunch of yesterday's jiaozi Haiwei called me to meet him and his son this evening, same time same place as last Sunday. So I got there and we drank tea with his son and girlfriend for a while. As well as luscious fruits, eggs were offered to me and as I hadn't ate since lunch I thought I'd take one of the bunch which she had apparently boiled earlier today. As I picked it up she said that one had two yolks in it. I was interested as to how she knew so started peeling it but she said it looked a bit off and threw it in the bin. Then she gave me a smaller one that seemed to be ok. I was intrigued as to how she knew that one or two had two yolks and she said it was to do with the shape of the eggs; the longer ones would have two yolks, and to prove it she opened one and indeed it was an egg twin, or at least would have been had it been allowed to live.

She was right - it was a pair of yolks

Anyway it was of little importance as soon we were called to go to eat in another manager's room. It wasn't as grand as last week's meal but the food was. Despite all the meat and fish I so like the scrambled eggs they do here. I know there's a bit too much sugar for my liking (and tomatoes) but the texture is perfect and it doesn't hurt your teeth at all like meat can do.

Haiwei's girlfriend and another woman poured what looked like a sports drink into their glasses, but told me it was sweet alcohol. After tasting it I could only agree. It was basically honey melon juice but I couldn't believe it was also 20% alcohol. Then, instead of putting ice cubes in it, a woman took an ice lolly out of the freezer and broke it in half in its packet, then opened the packet and put the two halves into each of the women's glasses. How to make a sweet drink even sweeter...maybe they weren't Pingguo's slimmest women for a reason.

Putting half sweet lollies into sweet honey melon alcohol...fair least it wasn't wine

Haiwei, a woman, a man, a cook, and Haiwei's younger son at the meal

But, on Haiwei's girlfriend's advice (which I thoroughly agreed with), I could stick to cold weak beer, and I very much did. The main cook came up to eat with us for a while. He said he could easily put away 16 cans of beer but today he was only drinking tea. I could have asked a plethora of questions why but again just nodded in agreement. The meal was a good two hours in before Tan IMd me in Chinese to say that Xixi wanted some bbq. Ok, fine, it was a good excuse to leave the meal relatively sober and apparently she'd already ordered it for me to pick up.

So 20 minutes later I made my genuine excuses and went to pick up 10 chuan of duck tongues and 5 chuan of duck intestines. Bloody 65 kuai for that seems a lot more than I'm normally used to. But, whatever. A Wu had also pinged me to go and eat at Boss Zhou's place so after dropping off the bbq (which was more for Tan than Xixi) I drove over to meet them.

It was almost the same as last night...95% blokes drinking and eating, and of course I joined it but wasn't massively in the mood. I even made a totally acceptable excuse of being tired and lying down in one of those easy chairs where I feigned dropping off for a while. But tonight there was no KTV, and a bit later I took A Wu home as he was too drunk to drive. Then Tan had a go at me for getting back late but what can you do? Leave a drunk mate to fend for himself? You can't really win unless you just don't go out in the first place but bloody hell it's Pingguo and that would be a crime in itself.

Pretending to sleep at another boss meal at Boss Zhou's

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