Friday, June 28, 2024

Exercise for the body and brain, then more merriment in Jiang Bing Lu bar

Actually had breakfast for a change as I was up late morning and Tan and I were to go to the gym at 1pm. This time I joined it properly, well a three month "season ticket" for 468 kuai as it was 330 kuai a month otherwise. Well worth it if I use it as much as in the UK. And no A/C makes you really sweat it out. Then for lunch I decided to boil the quail eggs I bought yesterday. Cheap and proteinful, perfect for after the gym.

After a shower I went for a bit of a walk with my Valencian shopping bag and my music in tow. The piano practice now feels as necessary exercise for my brain as the earlier gym trip was for my body. Except I find the former enjoyable, at least when pieces start coming together. Tea was a simple affair at home, which was slightly disappointing but I shouldn't really be going out to eat every evening (should I?). Then I took Tan to get her nails done, in a medical sense as she's got some fungal infection and needs to have them dressed every day before they can apply medication. I then drove her down to A Xia's shop and as we were slowly weaving through people and traffic she commented on how much she likes Pingguo. That's nice to hear as recently she's been a bit more critical of China. Also it's rare to agree on something!

So much for not going out. Lu zong had pinged me this morning to say we may be going back to his bar, but I'd not heard since. But then I checked his group chat (that I've muted) and saw that he'd been inviting mates to go over, so I thought "why not?" and biked it over there at 10pm but very gingerly as I hadn't managed to charge it up today after Leilei sent me the QR code.

Well it wasn't quite as raucous as yesterday, even though it was Friday, and I sat at a table with Lu zong and some other guys while Lu zong ordered a load a bbq. As per usual people came and people went, and I was one of the few option for beers rather than white alcohol. It had its effect and I took the initiative of table-hopping to a much bigger and busier table, and I found I knew nearly everyone at it so it was multiple ganbei time again. Presently someone called Huang Lei and although he'd already had a few, came over a bit later.

It turns being peckish into being ravenous

Chinese omelette with added fish eggs

I table-hopped again and this time I knew no-one at the table, though of course they all knew of me. We spent the best part of an hour chatting and cai ma'ing. One of the blokes said he was some sort of spinal doctor, and he said he could tell I had a spinal issue as my sitting stance was slightly crooked. Well I don't think I do sit crookedly, and I think I may have mentioned that I have sciatica already to him before he made such a diagnosis. But whatever, it ended up him applying pressure to various parts of my spine and I made no mention of double-blind experiments or whatever, and thanked him for his care.

Then it was back to the big table again now that Huang Lei had arrived, and yes of course the guitar was got out. At least I didn't have to go on stage this time. I managed to get through Mrs Robinson, The Boxer, and Sound of Silence. Well get through in sorts as I remember forgetting some of the lines and repeating others, but I daresay no-one noticed as it was about 2am and all were half cut.

I was next in line for the guitar...

So finally we dispersed around 2.30am and managed to get the dian dong che 3/4 of the way home before the batteries gave up, so I parked up and walked the last 5 minutes back for another late one.

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