Sunday, August 04, 2024

More Sounds of Silence at Xiao Bai de Tian's

Quite an uneventful day in the context of things became a fairly uneventful evening until I went to get some bbq then popped down to Li Kun's. He was just about to take his kids home and said he'd just been called to go to Xiao Bai de Tian's and to meet him there in a few minutes.

Oh, fair enough, it was getting on for 11pm so why not? I thought about dumping the bbq at home but left it in the dian dong che. I would have brought it in but they do bbq themselves there so thought it may be a bit rude. There were a couple of blokes I recognised at a table and the owner came over to eat and drink with us before Li Kun turned up.

A woman from another table caught my eye so I had to table-hop over there to do a few ganbeis, before doing the same at the other occupied table, where an old bloke made me drink some nuomijiu and it actually tasted quite fruity. Back to the beer for ganbeis with the ladies then back to the original table where Xiao Bai asked me to sing a song. I acted bashfully partly on purpose and partly because I really was, and said I'd have a couple more drinks first. Then she asked again, and said one of the tables was about to leave, then started slow-clapping, and everyone joined in.

So I had no choice, and a rendition of Sound of Silence. It's not the audience of maybe 25 people so much as the three or so of them filming me. I'd have no control over where it would be shared and with how many other people. Anyway, it went ok and all three occupied tables pretty much left at the same time afterwards at getting on for 1am.

Another rendition at Xiao Bai de Tian's

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