Tuesday, August 06, 2024

小猪佩奇 and more Zhang Hua bbq

After a lunch of mantou and yoghurt it was again too hot to do anything meaningful outside so I stayed with Tan Shiyun and we ended up watching Peppa Pig (小猪佩奇) which was quite fun in Mandarin and I could probably understand a bit more than half. Peppa Pig turned into Paw Patrol which was a bit tougher, so I left her watching it while I put the washing on. Then, a few minutes later the electricity went. Jiuma asked me if I'd paid the bill and the honest answer would have been "no" as Tan had, but to the best of my knowledge it had been paid. I was halfway through writing a message to Ling Ming to check if we needed to top up when I thought I'd check the fuse box. Yep, one of the switches had tripped. There had been three A/C units on in the house and I guess the washing machine was the last straw.


Annoyingly, that meant after resetting the switch Jiuma didn't want to start the A/C again, and I had to restart washing clothes. Could have been a lot worse though. By the time it was clothes drying time it was also mouth wetting time due to the heat and a beer was the only option. Well not literally, but the only fizzy one.

I might have had another one before teatime, but I wasn't really hungry enough to eat. Tan then took Xixi to a western-style eating place and I said I'd meet them there after a shower, and an hour later I turned up as Xixi was on her tiramisu. I managed to finish off Tan's Thai rice and that was more than enough for me. The girls then went shopping, so I went home to chill for a while. Zhang Hua had sent a message asking how 嫂子 (sister in law/Tan) had liked the bbq. I had answered that she was very positive about it, and that I may well come back for some more tonight. Well it was now tonight, and I asked what people wanted and it would be the usual, except no chilli for Tan Shiyun's sweetcorn.

Half an hour later I was back with the bbq but Tan Shiyun had already gone to bed. I dumped it on the table then went back to Zhang Hua's to have a couple more beers and a chat. Of course they wouldn't let me pay after yesterday. Then it was back before the 1am curfew.

Back at Zhang Hua's for succulent bbq

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