Friday, August 09, 2024

A less exciting day...

Why is it almost every day, at any time, there's so much drilling? I mean this building is about 15 years old. I know now and again you have to fix things but every bloody day? It was another day I'd not had much sleep and woken up after about 5 hours and not been able to get back to sleep easily due to this....

After yesterday's shenanigans today was almost the most boring day ever, not that any day is. At least I managed some weights at home as I couldn't pull myself to the gym as I still had some ladu. Lunch and tea were xiaolongbao from the place diagonally opposite our place. Normally the kids wolf them down but lately they've been getting up late afternoon. Xixi said that Leilei often goes to the stadium at 5am and I can believe it. I'm not sure what I can do to stop this as I'd probably be doing the same at his age. At least he's not drinking alcohol.

But the xiaolongbao were barely touched so I finished them off after the weights, when Haiwei pinged me to go and eat with him tomorrow and speak English with his sons. Fair enough, speaking English, singing, and generally being a foreigner who speaks the lingo often get me a nice free meal, and I guess I entertain enough or I wouldn't be invited back. So went for piano practice a bit late after 8pm. Annoyingly for the last 25 minutes the C♯ key, or I suppose in context it should be D♭, stuck. It was annoying because I was practising The Easy Winners and the C section (as in AABBACCDD typical in ragtime) has five ♭. I don't even know what key that makes it, though I'm sure I could work it out. In fact the whole piece is in either four or five ♭ so the D is mostly ♭. But it really knocked me out of my rhythm in the C section. I'll have to find a different piano next time, or maybe go digital like home. Afterwards I picked up a bit more beer and washing liquid and hand tissues as you do.

Back home I thought I'd pay a visit to Zhang Hua again, or maybe Li Kun. It was a Friday night after all so Li Kun should be up for it. But after a couple of beers I was also 困 (kun, tired), and while I could have forced myself out I decided for the first time in a while to stay at home. Even Tan, at gone 11pm, was surprised I wasn't going out. It wasn't beyond the bounds of possibility of course, if someone I liked had called me to go out, but for once they didn't, and I had a quite enjoyable evening in re-watching Breaking Bad.

Except A Wu called me at 12.15am wanting me to come over to his to drink. I thought about it, but it wasn't worth the risk/hassle, but I knew now he was back in Pingguo so we arranged to play sports in the morning, then snooker in the afternoon, then do something later. I explained that I wouldn't be around for much in the evening due to Haiwei but the sports and snooker (snooker is a sport?) would be good. And it would give me an incentive to get up a bit earlier that usual.

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