Tuesday, June 18, 2024

On way back again...last time for a while?

I felt a little bad for Xixi as it was the day of her last exam but I'd booked the evening of the 18th a couple of months ago when the exam dates came out. The flight was due at 10pm and our kindly neighbour gave us a lift to the station and we made the 16:28 with seconds to spare. Xixi didn't want to get such an early train but it was well justified as when the Elizabeth line dropped us off at T2/3 there was an hour long queue to do baggage drop off. So much for checking in at the machines and putting on our own baggage tags. This has worked well in the past but as soon as we got to the counter the lady told us to rip them off and started anew. Whatever. Somehow the kids had managed to pack all their stuff into a single suitcase whereas I could have used two for my stuff, which to be fair was half Tan's.

It meant we only got to the lounge a bit before 8pm, but at least there were no queues. I thought it was £20 for an extra guest but they wanted to charge £35 with Amex. So I asked about Priority Pass and that was fine so it should only be £20. Well worth it as we all had a hot meal and as much to drink as we wanted, including taking some cans for the flight. And it was the smoothest take-off I can remember. Really annoyingly I hadn't been able to find any Phenergan in three chemists or in the airport, but I'd found some medicine Tan had brought back to the UK from China and bang, after the meal and one glass of white wine I was knocked out and other than being told off by the kids for snoring, I woke up with 1h40m to go, had my breakfast, then found myself nodding off again until 10 minutes to go. Although I still had some G&L in a bottle and it was gone 3pm local time, I didn't imbibe for the landing. I'm growing up a little in that sense.

Off again, this time Air China

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